
The extreme right wins the European elections held this Sunday

Provisional results

(Source: Rosana Rivera)
USPA NEWS - The conservative Spanish Popular Party won the European elections held on Sunday in Spain, while in the rest of the European Union the far-right won, according to the first results after the closing of the polling stations in the 27 countries that make up the Union. In Spain, the Popular Party obtained nine more MEPs than in the 2019 elections. Second was the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, and the far-right party Vox came in third place.
The conservative victory was not as clear in Spain as the Popular Party expected: only two points ahead of the Socialist Party, which obtained two fewer MEPs than the conservatives. The conservative victory was extended to all of Europe. With just over 30 percent of the votes counted, the conservative European People's Party would win 189 seats, followed by the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats with 135 seats and then Renew Europe with 80 seats, European Conservatives and Reformists Group with 72 seats and Identity and Democracy Group with 58 seats.
The right-wing and far-right parties would have obtained a resounding victory in the European Union. The most striking examples were the victory in France of the far-right Marine Le Pen and the fact that in Germany the far-right achieved a historic second position. It is also Italy that a victory for the far right was expected. In the EU as a whole, social democracy obtained its worst results in a European election. Advancement of the extreme right in Europe, which had been brewing for five years.
Participation in the European Parliament elections held this Sunday in Spain was 49.2 percent, 11.5 points less than in the 2019 European Parliament elections, when they coincided with the municipal and regional elections, but 5.4 more than in 2014, summoned alone.
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